When you choose an instrument to trade using warp predictive software you have the capability to adjust different parameters to achieve the best setup of your preference. Warp predictive software has a manual who describes different patterns to execute approved entries and how to define that setup. The chart you see below is the Bitcoin in 1 minute and I follow the rules described in that manual. Warp is a time-based software, so, we use time expiration what it means the candle is closed when you take actions.
The first entry move appears when the price “puncture” down the green line at 8:31 timestamp, the SL is above that candle 1 tick, and you can:
- Take profits 1:1 or 2:1 or
- Wait and hold the position until 9:03 am and close all your positions
The second trade is at 9:03 am, the SL is above that candle 1 tick, and you can:
- Take partial profits 1:1 or 2:1 or 3:1 or
- Wait and hold the position until 9:19 am and close all your positions
The Entry number 3 is at 9:33 am, the SL is above that candle 1 tick, and you can:
- Take partial profits 1:1 or 2:1 or 3:1 or
- Wait and hold the position until 10:22 am and close all your positions
I like to take partial profits its my personal style of trading, but with WARP you have the confidence to hold the positions until the time expires in the next timestamp. It’s up to you to define your risk management in your style of trading.
Juan Fernando Vega
Mechanical Engineer
Spanish – Support
Skype: juanvegam