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In my 50 years, I’ve learned that patience is a virtue, especially in the fast-paced world of day trading and investing. When you’re staring at a screen and watching others cash in on the latest hot stock, it’s easy to let FOMO—fear of missing out—get the best of you. But here’s the thing: FOMO is a dangerous trap.

When you chase every opportunity, you’re not investing—you’re gambling. The market has a way of luring us in with stories of overnight success, but what you don’t hear about are the countless people who jumped in too late and lost big. I’ve been there, felt the sting of regret when I saw a missed opportunity skyrocket. But I’ve also seen how rushing in can lead to hasty decisions, emotional trading, and losses that could’ve been avoided.

So, how do you keep FOMO in check? First, remember that the market isn’t going anywhere. Opportunities come and go, but your strategy should stay solid. Stick to your plan, do your research, and trust your instincts. Know when to step back, take a breath, and let the opportunity pass if it doesn’t fit your criteria. It’s better to miss out on a potential gain than to dive into a losing trade because you were too caught up in the hype.

In the long run, discipline and patience will serve you far better than chasing every shiny object the market dangles in front of you.

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