Most people start out using the free Ninjatrader indicators that come with their platform, only to find that many of them are either too lagging, or too "simple" to use in any robust trading plan. In 2008, we decided that in order to compete with algorithmic traders, and professional institutions with trading computers, we would have to begin to separate ourselves from conventional Ninjatrader indicators, and popular Ninjatrader indicators vendors and begin developing our own tools that were based on things we were actually seeing happening in the markets.
One of the most important discoveries was the Flux Histogram tool in our Ninjatrader indicator arsenal, shown here:
This tool was designed to study the historical price bars of any instrument, between a 1 minute and a 240 minute time frame and search for recurring time based price movements in any market. We compared the leading results of this tool against other Ninjatrader indicators, and were surprised to see that the software was able to reveal trades that were coming - trades that hadn't happened yet - but had a high likelihood of happening based on their tendency to appear at certain times, on certain days. We discovered the shift that everyone in the trading communities had noticed - that the "humans" were no longer trading the large institutional accounts. Humans that used to used conventional style Ninjatrader indicators were now passing that authority over to trading computers loaded with powerful programs and algorithms. The institutional traders, the "humans", men and women that were previously using tools such as RSI, Fibonacci retracements, Stochastics, and other similar tools like those found in the standard Ninjatrader indicators list had shifted responsibility over to highly advanced and powerful trading computers with their own indicators - and their own rules - devoid of human emotion and error.
Nearly every tool designed by the developers at are Ninjatrader indicators that address the power of these trading computers, and use their "computer minds" against them. By analyzing the data left behind by these computers, the data available to every retail trader, it's our opinion that we're able to uncover patterns that are invisible to the human eye - patterns that stand out though dramatically to a computer's "eye". Our Ninjatrader indicators are based on thousands of bars of historical data bar analysis that reveal patterns that are "forecast" into the future. When we look at what happened at the times that were forecast days in advance, we have charts that look like this one: (click HERE to enlarge)
We're excited that you found this site. If you're here, it means that you, like us and many thousands of retail traders have graduated from "training wheel" indicators that most people realize don't work over time, to a style of trading that requires you to analyze the market you trade "inside out". You've decided that you're not playing anymore, and have gotten serious about your trading plan and your profitability.
We want you to see how powerful Ninjatrader indicators can be - but you have to take the next step by wanting more information about these tools for yourself. Take a moment to get that information by letting us know you're here and want to learn. We'll send you forecasts for the market you trade 2 days in advance, as well as our customized three part training series that will help you understand why most Ninjatrader indicators are harder to use than you think they should be....