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What's next for TSLA?

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Hey everyone,

So, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed the recent turbulence in the stock market, particularly with Tesla. Yeah, it’s been a wild ride. Just a few months ago, Tesla seemed invincible, rocketing to new highs and making everyone who got in early look like geniuses. But lately? Not so much.

In the past few weeks, Tesla’s stock has taken a pretty steep nosedive. To put it in perspective, we're talking about a drop from the $250 range down to around $200. That's a significant hit. If you’re holding Tesla shares, you might be feeling the pinch right now.

So, what’s going on? There are a few factors at play. First off, there’s been a broader market correction. The tech sector, in particular, has been getting hammered. Rising interest rates and fears of a potential recession have investors skittish. When the market gets jittery, high-flying stocks like Tesla often take the brunt of the fall.

But it’s not just macroeconomic stuff. Tesla has its own set of challenges. Elon Musk, the face and force behind the company, has been, well, Elon Musk. His antics, particularly on social media, have sometimes spooked investors. Then there’s the whole issue with production. Despite the company's ambitious goals, they’ve faced supply chain issues and production delays, especially with new models.

Additionally, competition in the electric vehicle space is heating up. Legacy automakers like Ford and GM are making serious strides with their EV offerings. This increased competition is making investors rethink Tesla’s once seemingly unassailable lead in the market.

Now, am I saying it’s time to panic and dump your Tesla stock? Not necessarily. If you’re a long-term believer in the company and its vision, this could be a bump in the road. Tesla has a history of bouncing back from tough times, and they still have a lot of innovation in the pipeline.

That said, navigating these choppy waters can be tough. This is where predictive trading tools, like the Tachyon Warp from BackToTheFutureTrading.com, come in handy. These tools can help traders see moves like Tesla’s drop in advance. The Tachyon Warp, for instance, uses advanced algorithms and historical data to predict market movements. This kind of foresight can take a lot of the fear out of trading Tesla stock by giving you a heads-up before the market takes a turn. Instead of reacting in panic, you can make informed decisions and potentially safeguard your investments.

So, hang in there, keep your eyes on the news, consider using predictive tools, and remember to breathe. The stock market is a rollercoaster, and Tesla is one wild ride.

Catch you later,

Trading during wartime.

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While conflicts in the Middle East often introduce volatility into futures markets, traders can employ various strategies to potentially profit from these situations:

1. **Oil Futures**: Middle East conflicts frequently impact global oil markets, leading to price fluctuations in oil futures contracts. Traders can capitalize on these movements by taking long or short positions in crude oil futures, depending on their analysis of supply disruptions, geopolitical developments, and market sentiment.

2. **Defense Stocks**: Increased military spending during conflicts can benefit companies in the defense sector. Traders may consider investing in defense stocks or options contracts of companies that manufacture weapons, military equipment, or provide security services, anticipating a rise in their stock prices.

3. **Safe-Haven Assets**: During times of geopolitical uncertainty, traders often flock to safe-haven assets such as gold, government bonds, or currencies like the Swiss franc or Japanese yen. Traders can allocate a portion of their portfolio to these assets as a hedge against market volatility and geopolitical risk.

4. **Volatility Trading**: Heightened uncertainty during Middle East conflicts can lead to increased market volatility. Traders can use volatility derivatives such as VIX futures or options to profit from fluctuations in market volatility, employing strategies like straddles or strangles to capitalize on expected price swings.

5. **Geopolitical Analysis**: In addition to technical and fundamental analysis, traders can incorporate geopolitical analysis into their trading strategies. Staying informed about geopolitical developments, military actions, and diplomatic relations in the Middle East can help traders anticipate market movements and adjust their positions accordingly.

It's essential for traders to conduct thorough research, manage risk effectively, and remain disciplined in their trading approach when navigating geopolitical events. While conflicts in the Middle East can present trading opportunities, they also carry inherent risks, and traders should carefully assess their risk tolerance and investment objectives before executing trades. You can also use our customer acclaimed predictive timing software - like our Tacheon Warp program - to watch for the predictive times that these highly volatile markets are likely to move at in the future. 

Trading with lunar cycles, predictively

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Lunar Cycles: Unveiling the Mystery Behind Predictive Trading in Stock Markets


In the world of financial markets, traders and investors are constantly seeking new tools and techniques to gain an edge in predicting market movements. While traditional methods such as technical and fundamental analysis remain popular, some market participants are turning to an unconventional approach – lunar cycles. The idea of using lunar cycles to predict stock market behavior may seem esoteric, but a growing number of proponents argue that the moon's phases can offer valuable insights. In this article, we explore how traders and investors are leveraging lunar cycles in their quest for predictive trading.

The Concept of Lunar Cycles

Lunar cycles refer to the recurring patterns of the moon's phases, as it orbits the Earth. The lunar month, spanning approximately 29.5 days, sees the moon transition from a new moon (invisible) to a full moon (completely visible) and back again. Advocates of lunar cycle trading believe that these moon phases have a subtle but significant impact on human behavior and, by extension, market sentiment.

Trading with the Moon Phases

One common approach among lunar cycle traders is to observe the market's performance during specific moon phases and discern patterns over time. For instance, some traders look for correlations between bullish trends and the occurrence of full moons, theorizing that the increased brightness of a full moon may positively influence investor confidence.

Others track the new moon phase, associating it with the beginning of new market cycles or shifts in momentum. The new moon's darkness might be perceived as a time of uncertainty, prompting traders to exercise caution and possibly reduce their exposure to risk.

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

To apply lunar cycles to trading, proponents rely heavily on statistical analysis and data mining. They comb through historical market data, comparing it with lunar phases, in search of any consistent relationships. While some studies have suggested correlations between moon phases and market behavior, the results are often mixed and inconclusive.

Behavioral Psychology and Sentiment Analysis

The basis for lunar cycle trading lies in behavioral psychology, as it is believed that human emotions and decision-making can be influenced by celestial events. Behavioral finance scholars argue that investors' decisions can be impacted by external factors, including the psychological effects of the lunar cycle.

Critics and Skepticism

Despite the growing interest in lunar cycle trading, skeptics remain unconvinced about its efficacy. They argue that any observed correlations between moon phases and market movements may be mere coincidences or the result of data mining bias. Furthermore, market behavior is influenced by numerous complex factors, and attributing it solely to lunar cycles oversimplifies the complexity of financial markets.


While the concept of using lunar cycles to predict stock market movements is intriguing, it remains a subject of debate and skepticism. Traders and investors should approach such unconventional methods with caution and not abandon well-established analytical techniques. As financial markets continue to evolve, it is essential to remain open to innovative ideas while maintaining a critical and empirical approach to trading strategies. Ultimately, successful trading demands a robust understanding of market dynamics, risk management, and a disciplined approach to decision-making.

Using technology to predict market moves

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Unveiling the Future: Leveraging Historical Patterns and Modern Computers for Predictive Insights

The study of history has always provided valuable insights into the present and future. In the realm of finance, historical patterns serve as a treasure trove of information for predicting future market trends. With the advent of modern computers and advanced data analysis techniques, harnessing the power of historical patterns has reached new heights. In this blog post, we will explore how historical patterns, in combination with modern computing capabilities, can be leveraged to make accurate predictions about the future of financial markets.

Big Data and Machine Learning
Modern computers equipped with powerful processors and vast storage capabilities enable the analysis of massive amounts of data. By applying machine learning algorithms to historical market data, computers can identify intricate patterns that may go unnoticed by human analysts. These algorithms can uncover complex relationships, correlations, and non-linear trends, empowering investors to make more precise predictions and informed investment decisions.

Algorithmic Trading
Algorithmic trading relies on sophisticated computer programs that automatically execute trades based on predefined rules and strategies. These algorithms can incorporate historical patterns, technical indicators, and market data to generate buy and sell signals with minimal human intervention. By leveraging the computational power of modern computers, algorithmic trading systems can identify and act upon market patterns in real-time, potentially capitalizing on fleeting opportunities.

High-Frequency Trading
High-frequency trading (HFT) utilizes ultra-fast computers and advanced algorithms to execute trades within fractions of a second. These systems can analyze historical patterns and real-time market data simultaneously, enabling traders to capitalize on short-term price discrepancies and exploit market inefficiencies. By leveraging the speed and computational capabilities of modern computers, HFT firms aim to gain a competitive edge in predicting and reacting to market movements.

Data Visualization and Pattern Recognition
Modern computers enable the visualization of complex data sets, allowing analysts to identify patterns visually. Data visualization tools can plot historical market data, overlay technical indicators, and display patterns such as support and resistance levels or trend lines. These visual representations enhance the human ability to recognize and interpret patterns, supporting decision-making processes and enabling investors to anticipate future market trends.

Combining historical patterns with modern computing capabilities revolutionizes the way we predict financial markets. The immense processing power, machine learning algorithms, algorithmic trading systems, and data visualization tools available today empower investors and analysts to uncover hidden patterns, make accurate predictions, and capitalize on market opportunities. However, it is important to remember that human judgment and expertise are still essential in interpreting the insights provided by computers. The symbiotic relationship between historical patterns and modern computers holds immense potential for navigating the dynamic landscape of finance and unlocking the future of market prediction.

Chat GPT interviews WD Gann

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Interviewer: Good afternoon, Mr. Gann. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.

W.D. Gann: It's my pleasure. Thank you for having me. This is a nice change up for me, actually. 

Interviewer: How's that?

W.D. Gann: There's no Wall St. in heaven, and I miss the markets a little, to be honest. I like talking about them to other people. 

Interviewer: Happy to provide a change of pace for you. Can you tell us a little about your family and how they supported your interest in trading?

W.D. Gann: Certainly. My father was a farmer, but he also had an interest in the markets, and he encouraged me to pursue my own interest in trading. My mother was also very supportive and instilled in me a strong work ethic and determination to succeed. 

Interviewer: Mr. Gann, can you tell us what life was like for you as a young boy?

W.D. Gann: Certainly. As I said, I grew up on a farm in Texas, and as a young boy, I was responsible for helping out with the chores and working in the fields. It was a hard life, but it taught me the value of hard work and perseverance. Despite our rural surroundings, my parents placed a high value on education, and they encouraged me to read and learn as much as possible. I spent many hours reading books on a variety of subjects, including science, mathematics, and history. These early experiences had a profound impact on my later life and career.

Interviewer: Mr. Gann, can you tell us what life was like in the town you grew up in?

W.D. Gann: Sure. I grew up in a small town in Texas - Lufkin -  and life there was very different from what it is today. It was a close-knit community, and everyone knew each other. People worked hard to make a living, and there was a strong sense of self-reliance and independence. I remember spending many hours working on our family farm and helping out our neighbors. We didn't have many of the conveniences that we take for granted today, such as electricity or indoor plumbing, but we made do with what we had. Despite the challenges, it was a wonderful place to grow up, and I'm grateful for the lessons and values that I learned there.

Interviewer: That's interesting. How did you develop your interest in the markets?

W.D. Gann: I became interested in the markets after working as a telegraph operator for several years. I was fascinated by the fluctuations in market prices and the ways in which various factors could influence those prices. I spent countless hours studying and analyzing market trends, and eventually developed my own unique approach to trading.

Interviewer: Ever take time to settle down and start a family in-between all those books?

W.D. Gann: (laughs) Yes, I actually came out of the library into the sunshine from time to time. Long enough to get married in fact. 

Interviewer: Yes, I was going to ask you about that. Can you tell us a little about your wife, Nora?

W.D. Gann: Yes, I married Nora in 1902, and she was a wonderful wife and mother to our six children. Nora was a strong and supportive partner in my work, and she played an important role in my success as a trader. She helped me with my research and analysis, and she encouraged me to continue pursuing my interest in the markets even when times were tough.

Interviewer: Can you tell us more about your children?

W.D. Gann: Certainly. We had four daughters and two sons. My children were a great source of joy and inspiration to me. I encouraged them to pursue their own interests and passions, just as my parents had encouraged me. While none of my children became traders like me, they all went on to successful careers in various fields.

Interviewer: It's wonderful to hear about the support of your family. Can you tell us how they influenced your work as a trader?

W.D. Gann: My family was a constant source of inspiration to me. They encouraged me to pursue my dreams and to never give up, even when things got tough. They also played an active role in my work as a trader. My wife, Nora, was a trusted partner who helped me with my research and analysis. My children were also interested in my work and often asked me questions about the markets. Their support and encouragement helped me to stay focused and motivated throughout my career.

Interviewer: Tell me a little about your siblings. Big family?

W.D. Gann:  By your standards, absolutely. I had three brothers, and two sisters, who were quite a handful for my parents. One of my brothers - John - he left the farm and became a successful businessman and actually helped me with my trading career by providing financial support in my early days. 

Interviewer: How important was the support from John?

W.D. Gann: It was tremendous - and a huge blessing. During my early days, John's backing allowed me to trade more capital than I could have otherwise, which allowed me to take bigger risks and build my working capital up exponentially faster. John believed in me, and was proud of my accomplishments later as I refined my techniques. 

Interviewer: Can you tell us more about your trading strategies?

W.D. Gann: My approach to trading is based on a combination of fundamental and technical analysis. I studied market cycles, price movements, and other factors that can influence the market. I also relied heavily on astrology and numerology to predict future market movements. But it's important to note that I didn't rely on these methods alone. I combined them with rigorous analysis of market data and trends.

Interviewer: You mentioned using astrology and numerology to predict market movements. Can you tell us more about how you used time and vibration in your trading?

W.D. Gann: Yes, time and vibration were key elements of my approach to trading. I believed that everything in the universe, including the markets, followed certain natural cycles and patterns. By understanding these cycles and patterns, I could make more accurate predictions about future market movements. I used various techniques, such as calculating price and time targets based on geometric patterns, to identify these cycles and patterns.

Interviewer: That's fascinating. Can you give us an example of how you used these techniques in a trade?

W.D. Gann: Sure. In one trade, I used a technique known as the "Square of Nine" to calculate price and time targets for a particular market. Based on my analysis, I predicted that the market would reach a certain price level on a specific date. When that date arrived, the market did indeed reach that price level, and I was able to make a significant profit.

Interviewer: Mr. Gann, your trading techniques were quite unique and unconventional for your time. Astrology. Predictions. Geometric patterns. How did people react to them when you first introduced them?

W.D. Gann: Well, when I first began using my techniques, many people were skeptical. They thought that my approach was too complex and esoteric, and they didn't believe that it could produce consistent profits in the markets. However, over time, as I began to share my ideas and techniques with others, more and more people began to see the value in what I was doing. Eventually, I gained a reputation as one of the most successful traders of my time, and my methods became widely respected and imitated.

Even today, many traders continue to study and use my techniques in their own trading. Many still don't believe that time predictions can work though, something I've been observing from up here. It's disheartening. 

Interviewer:  Meaning?

W.D. Gann: I'm was always fascinated how complicated people made their trading decisions because they didn't believe the markets were predictive. After I was interviewed for the Ticker and Investment Digest - and they reported on my trades - people still didn't believe markets were predictive. Apparently that still holds true today. My friend Richard Wyckoff said that people don't like 'thought and research'...hated it, in fact. I can see how my techniques might intimidate them based on his assessment. It requires a little extra analysis. A leap of faith, if you will. 

Interviewer: Interesting.  What advice would you give to new traders today?

W.D. Gann: My advice would be to never stop learning. The markets are always changing, and it's important to stay up to date on the latest trends and developments. It's also crucial to develop a solid trading strategy and stick to it, even in the face of adversity. And to study Vibrational law, and the cycles of the markets. It's all based on Nature and Natural Law - which never changes. 

Interviewer: Thank you for your time and insights, Mr. Gann. It's been a pleasure speaking with you.

W.D. Gann: Thank you for having me. 

How I trade predictive time signals

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Contributed by Juan Vega / Futures Trader / Colombia

It’s fascinating been exposed to the 30 largest companies of the US in the future market. The E-mini-Dow represents a portion of the standard Dow Jones industrial average futures. Three months from now I been trading the E-mini dow jones contract using predictive signals in 1 and 3 minutes timeframe.

I also have included in my 1-minute chart the 120 EMA of my 3 minute chart, just to have a visual zone, where the price can react.

The minimum price fluctuation specified by the CME group is $5 dollars. There are other markets more attractive that pays “more” per tick. But what fascinating me is the “behavior” of the market during the predictive times signals that the software gave me in advance. In my chart the yellow dots are selling pressure signals and the white dots are buying pressure signals, you can change the color if you want, it's just my preference.

In markets like NQ or ES I wait the second or third signal after the opening bell, But with the YM, I have tested and open trades during the opening bell. I have included in my trading plan that option only for the YM, I also open trades if I have a signal before like 8:21 or 8:25 and hold until the open.

I also check my economic calendar for the day, just to see the context of the day, but, honestly, I just execute the time cycles trading signals, that my system says to me.

As a result, I open 2 trades in the YM with 4 contracts each trade. I also knew that the housing starts and permits news was at 8:30.



Patiently I wait the reaction under the 3 min 120 EMA and make the entries when the candle close under the 1 min 120 EMA.

First trade 45 points x $5 x 4 contracts, the second one 100 point x $5 x 4 contracts. I was near the 3k today.

My stop loss changes from 32 pts (32 x $5 x 4=$640) based on the ATR (Average True Range) in that moment for 4 contracts to 64 points for the second trade. This ATR for me is too big, so I wait the candle close confirmation under the 120 EMA.

The predictive signals “aligned” with the swing highs and lows of the movements the institutions have done in the past. I know that, since yesterday.

Now the most beautiful for me, is, I make my day.

What can I do with the rest of my free time?

That’s Professional Trading. Time to think, for family, for me, and create new investments.

Juan Fernando Vega
Spanish - Support