Go through this series of videos slowly…watch one a day. In each of the videos, there will be places for you to pause and answer questions about your own trading and trading experiences. Thoughtfully and carefully consider the answers as you go through the series – being honest with yourself.
In this micro-webinar, we examine the stats of the career we have chosen to pursue. We pose the question, if you had a 9/10 chance of being hit by a bus today, would you leave your house? We would all say no – but 9/10 of us are destined to fail as traders – and we shamelessly risk thousands of dollars to prove we’re not going to be the next casualty.
In this micro-webinar, we take a look at several horror stories from traders that have made critical mistakes related to their psycological elements of their trading career. This webinar forces you to see yourself in others mistakes and evaluate yourself and your trading personality. Knowing your weaknesses allows you to acknowldege them, and then begin taking steps to correct them.
In this micro-webinar, we talk about the most important aspect of trading…the inward battle between pain and pleasure, fear and greed…winning and losing. Unless you re-associate what you derive pleasure from, replacing the joy of winning with the joy of perfectly executing your plan – your results will be negative over the course of your trading career. Find out why and answer the questions in this webinar carefully.
We’ve spoken to hundreds of traders all over the world, and experienced losses in the tens of thousands of dollars. Most traders, when you really sit down and talk to them are following their hearts in the markets they trade, and not following a consistent methodology. We know from personal experience, and from the memoirs of the great traders of our time that this road leads only one place-account death. Statistics, whether you paid attention in math class or not, are the only life preserver coming by in this stormy sea.
Strategies are like a foreign language to people…they don’t understand the most basic compoenents, and why they’re so important. A lot of times traders we’ve met and spoken to feel that just coming to the market each day with their own wits and intelligence is enough…that somehow their ”smarts” will carry them through the day and earn them profits. What they fail to realize is that trading is a numbers game – it’s math – pure and simple. All the classes you fell asleep in during school come back into play here… statistics, probabilities, margin of error…graphs….they are now your compass and your life preserver.